Championing Contemporary
British-Punjabi Creativity
Punjab Arts champions and celebrates the emerging diverse and eclectic world of contemporary British-Punjabi arts and culture, providing various platforms to share the expression of this unique and complex fusion to the widest possible audiences.
We encourage, nurture and showcase all forms of artistic work with a distinctive British-Punjabi voice through a range of activities and events, from workshops and performances, to exhibitions, plays and talks
We believe that British-Punjabi Art should be a dynamic and compelling force in our community and in the regional cultural mix. Wherever Punjabi people have lived, they have absorbed the culture of the world around them, mixed it with Punjabi values and traditions, and metamorphosed into something fresh and beautiful; the relationship between Punjab and Britain is an especially complex one which often evokes questions of identity and belonging in so many contemporary works.
We seek to bring people together for moving experiences and fresh and open-minded perspectives of old and new, “Des” and “Pardes” (“homeland” and “land away from home”). We are driven to share the richness of British-Punjabi culture with all - those who love it, and those who know nothing of it.
In collaboration with existing arts and community organisations and on our own, we present inspiring, engaging, high-quality programmes across a range of physical spaces ranging anywhere from museums and shopping centres, clubs and Gurdwaras, to theatres and classrooms, as well as digital platforms. A presenter, curator, partner, advisor, advocate, and incubator, Punjab Arts also aims to provide much needed support for the artists furthering the culture in its many varied forms.
While recognising that religion and politics will always be a part of the Punjab’s landscape, Punjab Arts is a non-political and non-religious organisation, it still allows the creative and positive expression of British-Punjabi perspectives.
Our ultimate goal is to bring people and the arts together for enrichment, enjoyment, understanding, introspection, and fun.

Punjab Arts is honoured to have Tommy Nagra as our patron.
Tommy Nagra began his TV career in 1993 as a researcher in the Multi-Cultural Programmes Department where he worked on a range of seminal TV programmes including Network East, Bollywood or Bust, Mega Mela, Cafe 21, Surfin’ Asia, The Vibe and All Black. He quickly advanced to producing and directing his own documentaries shining a spotlight on British Asian stories that weren’t being told in the mainstream. In a wide-ranging career Tommy has made a real difference and impact in the media for a quarter of a century, he has built a body of work showcasing British Asian issues, talent and stories through award winning documentaries, current affairs, lifestyle and entertainment shows.
Tommy was presented the Outstanding Contribution to Media Award at the 2018 Asian Media Awards ceremony. His significant contribution to the broadcasting sector has had an impact not just on screen but off screen where he is responsible for giving first breaks, nurturing, mentoring and coaching a myriad of runners, researchers, producers, directors and Executive Producers to build careers in the Media.
Tommy has held many senior management positions, heading several BBC divisions including the Asian Programmes Unit, Business Development Birmingham, as Head of Television for the BBC Religion & Ethics Department and as Head of Specialist Factual at Maverick Television in the commercial sector.
In 2016 Tommy was selected as the BBC representative for the prestigious Clore Fellowship awarded to outstanding change makers from across the performing, visual and digital arts, heritage, museums, literature, cultural policy, film and broadcasting sectors.
Tommy is currently Director of Content for BBC Children in Need, responsible for all Television, Radio and Digital content.
Should you wish to discuss an idea or project, need advice, support or resource, or simply let us know what you do, please use our form to get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
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